Developers Den

Programmers Guide

The Programmers Guide should be the the first step for anyone wishing to use the Cosm libraries or work with any Mithral products.

Cosm API Documentation

Full documentation of the Cosm API in HTML format.

Coding and Subversion Repository

To get the code see the download page.

Change Logs

The Phase 2 ChangeLog since 2008-07-05 SVN creation.
The Phase 1 ChangeLog since 2001-01-01.

Mailing Lists

This is the list where the project administrators will post news about the project and any important announcents. You can expect this list to be very low traffic. To subscribe to this list visit the cosm-news subscription page
This is where major announcements and important updates will be posted, so please subscribe to cosm-news.

This is the main list of the project, where ideas related to Cosm development will be discussed. The lists will be moderated to avoid unsuitable posts. To subscribe to this list visit the cosm-dev subscription page

To configure your options or unsubscribe from any list sent simply visit the bottom of the list pages above, type in your email, and follow the directions.

IRC Channel

Developers can join us for chat and discussion of the Cosm Project in channel #cosm on

Channel Rules:


The complete list of contributors can be found in the CREDITS.TXT file in the downloads.

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Mithral® and Cosm® are trademarks of Mithral Inc.