|-- 5678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 --| ======================================================================== Phase 2 To Do List ======================================================================== This is a fine grained list of coding and documenting tasks that need to be - Feel free to update once you have done something :) Notes: * Any file that doesn't still need a format audit should only be edited with care (as is always the case). Be sure not to break the formatting. * "-" = Done barring bugs and porting, all functionality is implemented. * Any "!!!" in the code denotes a problem or unfinished section. ------ CODING ------ !!! MITHRAL LICENSE A/B !!! Fix code templates Can safely reinit after a free/end without memset? check all functions? Review #define/switch standard method? Fix indent.pro Unicode throughout? DNS + ... Change all send/recv type functions to be 64b length? undo left-comparisons, readability outways other advantages. sizeof needs to use the variable, not the types when possible. change state/error codes to enums. src/ header audit - not all system headers may be needed struct alignment audit - may cause MAJOR problems on 64bit compilers audit for threadsafe and reentrant violations gets()-like functions for file and net? src/cosm.h Expand the list of unsafe ANSI functions todo: stdio, stdlib, string ref: http://www.infosys.utas.edu.au/info/documentation/C/CStdLib.html apps/p2update.pl remove CosmU64U32\({[^()]+}\) and 32 64 CosmU64U32\({.*sizeof\(.*\).*}\) 2nd Party/ bzip2 1.0.2 -> 1.0.5 - security vulnerability need LZMA (the 7zip alg) -- CPU/OS layer -- src/cputypes - src/os_file Don't make files executable by default, need flag setting functions. Memory mapped file tests Remove special file prefix processing Add CosmDirSpecial() cosm_root ( /bin, include, lib, etc) cosm_apps ( cosm/apps/ ) config home documents temp Make file whipe optional on truncates? Issue - Set file permissions and date... Add buffered I/O? CosmDirGet - translating paths missing!!! make a helper function for mkdir stuff, DirOpen is a mess Win32 - CreateDirectory, any other Win32 API's? FileMove() file lock issues error handling in FileClose verify file locks are checked even if not currently locking generic file lock system CosmFileTruncate and all lock tests need to be added format and code audit (tests memory leak, not always freed) Figure out __USE_LARGEFILE64 and other flags for linux 64-bit files src/os_io Fix -2147483648, prints and scans %-n. not working for strings StrStr, make sure that it cant run off either string... check: proper +127 to -128 ranges on numbers. Make CosmPrint work on chars, not bytes. CRITICAL: force scientific notation for big numbers. f128 has only 34 sig-figs. u128 has 39. BROKEN: \b needs to not get encoded return codes for CosmStr functions are seldom checked elsewhere. Fix API/return values to be consistent with pass/fail CosmInput code, test in testlib tighten up error cases in Cosm_ParseFloat tests CosmStr* Finish test setups and loops for %u/v/w, %i/j/k, %X/Y/Z, %f/g/%F/%G, and move them to testlib.c - far too much overhead to be in the lib. Implement %c, %p, %s, %b tests test audit src/os_math Add/Fix Mod functions with DivMod. In C99 "%" is remainder! CosmFloatInf/NaN tests src/os_mem Shared memory tests in testlib Parent/Child mmap64? CosmMemAllocSecure - implement tracking and wipe. Win32: SecureZeroMemory() src/os_net Refactor ACL API Add a CosmNetSendFile zero copy sendfile function Add CosmNetStrAddr( utf8 string[40], cosm_NET_ADDR * addr ) Fix ACL functions add an init, locking, need way to save/load ACLs add support for IPv6 addresses should work reguardless of NO_NETWORKING Muticast sockets IPv6 ( c = code, "-" = none needed ) c CosmNetOpen - CosmNetSend - CosmNetRecv c CosmNetSendUDP CosmNetRecvUDP c CosmNetListen CosmNetAccept - CosmNetClose c CosmNetDNS c CosmNetRevDNS c CosmNetMyIP self tests take too long, this is the only slow selftest error checking for NULL ADDR parameters CosmNet*DNS() return more errors? CosmNetAccept( errors for socket errors in block/nonblock setting ) does not always have to change block/nonblocking - just if changed test audit IPv6 ACL function tests, my_host/my_port tests UDP tests src/os_task FIX process/thread priority system - broken in windows. PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL is bad, use semaphores for double-locks. Semaphore tests in testlib Parent/Child Semaphores need to allow for nameless as well? Affinity needs to be per thread. Win32 SetThreadAffinityMask(). NPTL requires 2.4.20 (2002) more to require 2.6 from 2003. NPTL 2.3.3+ of glibc Redo Mutex tests Add condition variables for barriers? Create a blocking CosmProcessWait function? (vs. Spawn) startThread etc should allow null for id? fix POSIX violation with SIGCHLD ping/wait - fixable? SystemClock needs to use a divide for accuracy. find a place to test: CosmThreadPriority, CosmProcessPriority in testlib test audit -- Utility layer -- src/bignum Fix the x/yz/ api for div/mod to div mod (fix all API names) DivMod shouldnt be a non-public function CosmBNA rename to BNStr add separator localization to the CosmBNPrint CosmBNPrint's _COSM_BN_CHECKMAX is broken once we localize Implement Montgomery Multiplication lots of error catching needs to be done code audit test audit src/buffer code audit test audit src/config code audit src/crypto Fix RSA signing padding - http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447 Use montgomery math - setup when loading keys, so batch operations are fast code audit more tests for correctness and speed - pki-app/testlib src/email This needs looking over, it's many years old. Change to CosmSMTPSend, fix parameters to ascii hostname, assume port 25 - src/hashtable expand primes table to 64bit machines tests (completely untested currently) * src/http Re-test! SECURITY: Cosm_HTTPDParseRequest path decoder can run off beyond input first line may not be long enough for the tmp[4] etc. match full "HTTP/1.1\r\n", full "POST "? accept IPv6 URI - http://[::FFFF:]:80/index.html future proof version detection? (probably not relivant) src/language * src/log high-volumn mode? fix file error checking in CosmLog self-test seems to be here AND in testlib.c test audit src/security CosmPRNG - replace with Mersenne Twister. CosmPKIPassCheck() - checks that passphrase is enterable ascii only. CosmEntropy, Cosm_SystemEntropy (in os_task) Need all operations to be constant time format audit code audit src/time CosmTimeSet code (cannot be done until packets are defined) CosmTimeUnits/CosmTimeDigest code for years before xxx? CosmTimeCorrectionLoad/Save, mutex issues Add simple "stopwatch" functions A simple benchmark function to do timing on a provided function. tests format audit code audit src/transform add a very simple/fast RLE encoder code and test audit -- Cosm layer -- src/cosmtest - ------------- DOCUMENTATION ------------- doc/ Fix function index files. format/code audit of examples update lists of errors returned by functions check that all the public defines are doc'd where they belong structs that users need move to HTML 4.0 with CSS, Wiki? add comment about defined() being prefered over ifdef in prog guide? talk about using static functions to hide them. EXPORT Document stuctures as needed doc/html2man.pl Make this more general, for libraries, etc doc/cosm.h redocument the CosmTest defines/declarations. doc/programmers-guide.html Major edit and reorganization needed. doc/functions.html Needs update -- CPU/OS layer -- doc/os_file the signed save/load DirGet DirSet checking doc/os_io examples! checking doc/os_math - doc/os_mem sort Cosm_MemDumpLeaks output Shared memory, warnings about OS settings Fix docs for API CosmMemAllocSecure(), implement wiping and anything else possible doc/os_net Redocument CosmNetOpen and ....Socks; parameter names, etc CosmNetStrIP new error codes for all functions examples for CosmNetSendUDP and CosmNetRecvUDP CosmNetACL* errors and examples checking doc/os_task Spawn will now use the path. Semaphores and Locks. CosmMutexFree example Doc that Mutex relocking or unlocking another thread undefined. checking Doc the DynamicLib functions. -- Utility layer -- doc/bignum * doc/buffer checking doc/config fix configOpen docs, remove unneeded comments about format errors checking doc/email - doc/hashtable * doc/http error codes and examples COSM_HTTPOPEN doc fix checking doc/language * doc/log Clarify! - doc/security Doc AES params Doc Hash params New transform API changes, and docs CosmPRNG() errors and examples checking doc/time examples checking doc/transform - -- Cosm layer -- ------- Porting ------- MacOS X NetMyIP() has issues Win32 Network socket reuse options? Native filenames need to be turned to unicode Win32 port dirs, Info, Nativepaths, Delete GetSystemTime() in CosmSystemClock resolution is terrible, find better. replace mkdir() with Win32 API function CosmFileEOF doesn't work over shared drives (probably not fixable) CosmFileInfo access flags Update usertypes.dat with array types Solaris/SunOS CPULock for solaris is buggy Unix echo in CosmInput* for other Unix (done for Linux, FreeBSD, IRIX, OSF) ------------ OPTIMIZATION ------------ Optimizations are the _lowest_ priority tasks, and should only be done after all other code is done, tested, and audited. But below is a list of known non-optimial code. CPU/OS ------ src/ optimize functions with a u64 loop for 32 bit machines? src/os_io: CosmStrStr needs rewriting for speed Cosm_PrintChar needs a length added for speed (and probably rename) Cosm_ParseFloat/Int isn't very optimized. src/os_math Div and Mul functions UTIL ---- src/ ...